Natural Snake Repellent
Natural Snake Repellent
Any mixture of natural substances capable of repelling snakes is referred to as a natural snake repellent. Natural snake repellents should preferably be manufactured from natural herbs, essential oils, and/or other natural substances. Natural snake repellents are now widely used due to their excellent efficiency and non-toxic nature.

Every year, more than 2.5 lakh incidences of snake bites are reported around the world, with roughly 90,000 people dying. Those who survive the bite on the spot die later as a result of a delay in reaching a hospital during the critical golden hour, or due to a lack of treatment, culminating in an anti-venom overdose.
Snakes have an awful smell that is difficult to remove, whether the animal is alive or dead. Snakes frequently congregate in a location or structure where there is food. If you have a snake problem, you almost certainly also have a bug or rodent problem. Snakes can transmit a number of diseases, including salmonella, and can make you sick even if they don’t bite you.
Every year, more than 2.5 lakh incidences of snake bites are reported around the world, with roughly 90,000 people dying. Those who survive the bite on the spot die later as a result of a delay in reaching a hospital during the critical golden hour, or due to a lack of treatment, culminating in an anti-venom overdose.
Snakes have an awful smell that is difficult to remove, whether the animal is alive or dead. Snakes frequently congregate in a location or structure where there is food. If you have a snake problem, you almost certainly also have a bug or rodent problem. Snakes can transmit a number of diseases, including salmonella, and can make you sick even if they don’t bite you.
How Natural Snake Repellent works?
SecuredBuild‘s “Natural Snake Repellent” have had a powerful whiff, bitter taste and also it creates burning sensation on skin, which the snake finds unpleasant, so it stays away. It does not harm the snake. Normally upon first encountering an area sprayed with the repellent the snake may act normally, but as soon as the odour of the repellent reaches to its Jacobson’s organ (taste and scent receptor), many show signs of extreme weariness as if anaesthetized. The neurological disruption causes them vacate the area, to find fresh air.